
可視光と長波長赤外(LWIR)を集光するシリコン-ガラスハイブリッドレンズを用いて、同じ視点から同じ画角の色画像と温度画像を撮影できることを示した。このレンズはシリコンの3次元加工プロセスを用いて作製した。このハイブリッドレンズを用いて色画像と温度画像を撮影した。色画像と温度画像の変位量の差の最大値と平均値はそれぞれ0.42 mmと0.26 mmであった。また、角度の差の最大値と平均値はそれぞれ2.0°と1.2°であった。
- Tomoyuki Takahata, Kiyoshi Matsumoto, and Isao Shimoyama, “A silicon-glass hybrid lens for simultaneous color-and-thermal imaging,” The 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers 2013 & Eurosensors XXVII), pp. 1408-1411, Barcelona, Spain, 16–20 June, 2013. [Proceedings]

- 高畑智之, 松本潔, 下山勲, “シリコン–ガラスハイブリッドレンズを用いた温度画像・色画像同軸撮影システム,” 第33回日本ロボット学会学術講演会 (RSJ2015), 1H1-01, 2015.
- 高畑智之, 松本潔, 下山勲, “同一視点から温度画像と色画像を撮影できる同軸撮影システム,” 第22回画像センシングシンポジウム (SSII2016), 2016.
- Tomoyuki Takahata, Kiyoshi Matsumoto, and Isao Shimoyama, “Compact coaxial thermal and color imaging system with silicon-glass hybrid lens,” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2016), Stockholm, Sweden, 16–21 May, 2016. [Proceedings]
- 高畑智之, 下山勲, “可視光・遠赤外光同軸撮像システムの実装と評価,” 第35回日本ロボット学会学術講演会, 3C3-01, 2017.

- 高畑智之, 下山勲, “防滴性のある可視光・遠赤外光同軸撮影システム,” 第36回日本ロボット学会学術講演会, 3J3-04, 2018.

Thermal imaging is useful for tasks such as detecting the presence of humans and recognizing surrounding objects in the operation of several types of robots, including service robots and personal mobility robots, which assist humans. Because the number of pixels on a thermal imager is generally smaller than that on a color imager, thermal images are more useful when combined with color images, assuming that the correspondence between points in the images captured by the two sensors is known. In the literature, several types of coaxial imaging systems have been reported that can capture thermal and color images, simultaneously, from the same point of view with the same optical axis. Among them, a coaxial imaging system using a concentric silicon–glass hybrid lens was devised. Long-wavelength infrared and visible light was focused using the hybrid lens. The focused light was subsequently split using a silicon plate. Separate thermal and color images were then captured using thermal and color imagers, respectively. However, a coaxiality evaluation of the hybrid lens has not been shown. This report proposes an implementation and coaxiality evaluation for a compact coaxial imaging system incorporating the hybrid lens. The coaxiality of the system was experimentally demonstrated by estimating the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of the thermal and color imagers and performing 2D mapping between the thermal images and color images.
- Tomoyuki Takahata, “Coaxiality evaluation of coaxial imaging system with concentric silicon–glass hybrid lens for thermal and color imaging,” Sensors, vol. 20, no. 20, article no. 5753 (19 pages), 2020. [Paper] (Published on 10 October 2020)